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Technical Support for this site

The following are commonly asked questions regarding this site:

Here's how to update your account to switch email accounts:
1. log into your account
2. edit your BASIC PROFILE, and update your email address - and BE SURE TO CLICK THE UPDATE BUTTON
3. *** VERY IMPORTANT *** LOG OFF of the site by clicking LOG OFF.
4. CLOSE ALL open web browser windows
5. re-launch your web browser and return to
6. Login using your new email address and the password you have on file

The pictures I uploaded aren't linked off my profile but I can see them under Alumni Photos. Why?
That is the way the site is designed. You can manage your own photos under MANAGE PHOTOS in the left navigation while you are logged in. You won't see a link to your photos under your own profile - while viewing the "public" view of your profile - nor will you see a link to email yourself - but other people will see both.

I am trying to log in and it tells me my account is suspended... help!
The most common reason for this is that the ORIGINAL EMAIL ADDRESS you used to register your account has rejected one or emails sent out from this site. If this happens multiple times, the system will disable your account since emails cannot reach you. You need to double check the email address that you registered with and make sure it works, then contact us to re-enable your account. If your email mailbox that you originally registered with is indeed no longer active, you need to email us with your name and FULL ADDRESS that you registered with originally, along with your new email address. We will update and enable your account to the new email address.

My husband and I are both graduates and have the same email address, but only one of us can register... Help!
The system currently only allows one person per registered email address. In otherwords, if there are more than one Gateway grad (e.g. husband and wife both Gateway alumni) sharing the same email address, only one can register on the site.

WORKAROUND: Register using a different email address. Perhaps use a FREE GOOGLE EMAIL account to register. Get a FREE GOOGLE GMAIL account here

Why doesn't my profile have an "EMAIL ME" link on it?
If you view your own profile from the alumni index or the class directory, you WILL NOT see the "email me" link - because you CANNOT email yourself. We designed it that way. Rest assured, the "Email me" link will appear to other registered users on your profile.

I never received my activation email. What do I do now?
If you created your account and have not received your activation email in your mailbox, and you checked your SPAM and JUNK MAIL folders, please click here to have the authorization email resent to you.

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